Publicity Banner
The members of Studio 21 have specifically responded to the ‘what3words’ app that ‘addresses the world’ and offers a simple and virtual way to talk about location. The application has mapped every 3 metre square in the world and assigned ‘a unique 3 word address’ that is as ‘accurate as GPS co-ordinates.’* Studio 21 have made work that variously explores the themes of location, place, the threatened eco-system, the tension between the virtual and material world, containment and ordering, and the need to find a sense of security and belonging. Their work is grounded in textile practice but also incorporates other media and material objects. As a group exhibition Addressing Space will ask the audience to make connections, not only between the pieces of work, but also between the individual ideas explored by the artists. Different works will engage in dialogue with each other and will invite visitors to participate more fully with the theme of location running through the exhibition. It is hoped that the exhibition will provide a thought provoking, material twist to this global, digital development.
Here are the designs for publicity (banner, brochure and original concept)

Front and Back cover

Original Concept